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Why UK Companies Should Hire Remote Software Developers

Stick with this post, I’ll be giving a lot of opinion throughout.

1. Culture of the Company #

Companies that hire remote software developers often have a strong work culture. Remote workers take advantage of being spread across time zones e.g., GitLab, Sprinklr, Mailbird, etc — these are able to handle constant problems around the clock. Bigger list of “Remote Work Companies”

To do this, systems such as E-mail communication is used to communicate and workers can now be involved in video meetings, allowing them to spend time wisely without relying strictly on presence at a single physical location.

I think that it is now tested and accepted that remote only work is possible long term and opting for hybrid-only role hires can ruin the chances of finding good developers that may fall outside of the location boundary. I have experienced this as a reduced public transport schedule would not allow me to reach the office early enough to do time-unsensitive work (the role was to move over data from legacy systems into a spreadsheet.) The idea of shifting my hours slightly outside of company hours made the my skills unsuitable for them on that basis.

2. Older Companies Waste Money #

As with my previous story, I have noticed that many non-IT companies are hesitant to expand their presence online or maintain it, so their legacy image and information gives a bad impression compared to how much they spend on their sites and offices. An abandoned website is like an overgrown garden to curious visitors, and eventually it is cheaper to start fresh.

Businesses that adopt pay monthly services to manage modernisation and online presence can also suffer with paying fees that are a percentage of services offered. One classic example — numerous takeaways with broken links and outdated designs have probably now all become part of online food and delivery platforms. Now the owner has to generate their own tax report detailing layers of fees lost on top of a separate income stream process.

You also lose the ability to brand yourselves independently and lock yourselves in to a subset of problems of one system:

The reputation of the hired company should not exceed the organisation’s image to everyday visitors, but technical people know when something is done well. I think this is where some things have gone wrong because if the apparent presence of another service is more influential than yours it can lower your ability to grow online.

3. Hire Reputable Firms and People #

Watercolour painted columns design

Image source

My local church uses a content management system which I find endearing. It’s not Neocities or anything unprofessional but it solves the common denominator — outreach. It provides a positive effect on ones perceived image to be found easily, especially to younger people.

To build a website for the sole intent of access to information, many reputable designers, web developers, copywrighters, etc. exist everywhere are very proud of their work and only follow your requirements in your best interests.

4. Hire Remote Workers That Can Manage Multiple Problems #

This is a sales pitch that I would give to most people starting out or reviving their brand.

Given that time is precious and measurable growth is value, a quick and reliable option is to sign up to a template content management platform or an ecommerce platform. These services allow you to customise and insert content and branding without worrying about other costs like hosting. Beyond that, hire a person that manages your websites at least fortnightly, e.g.:

These are basics for selling and growing online and presenting yourselves well to local or international customers. It does not take long to find talented workers which attend problems first, not offices.

This is why you should hire remote developers.

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